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Friday, May 30, 2008
"year after year, twenty-something women come to New York City in search of the two "L"s: labels and love. Twenty years ago, i was one of them. Having gotten the knack for labels early..i concentrated on love."
-------Carrie Bradshaw

the friendships. romance. high-end fashion. touching moments. funny scenes..

it's official.

i absolutely ADORE Sex and the City!!!!<3

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black&white♥12:22 AM

Monday, May 12, 2008
it's been ages since i last sat at home and rot! and i LOVE this feeling. esp. on a hot sunny day like today! best to be coped up in my room with the aircon on while i type here on my laptop. gosh for a moment, i felt like Carrie Bradshaw from Sex & the City. HAHA.

anyway disclaimer: this is going to be a rambling sorta entry so just skip it if u're not into utter randomness. haha.

haha went for etrial test in the morning & i'm embarrassed to reveal tt i only passed 1 out of 5 practice papers!! DIE. realli must buck up. my test is just one week away! but srsly i wasn't that bad cos each time i fail i fail by like 2 marks. during the test i peeked at those sitting next to me OMG its like RED MARKS with the huge obscene word 'Incorrect' repeating itself over & over again hahaha.

anyway, i think i'm really running out of things to blog about. haha just finished painting my nails a barbiedoll-pink. i conclude that i srsly suck at anyth that is vaguely related to art! thats because. this is my 2nd attempt at painting! took like 1.5 hours last nite to paint it. on top of that, i had this burst of inspiration to DRAW FLOWERS on my nails. HAHAHA. turned out disastrous. i couldnt' stand it aft looking at it for less than a day. -.-

OHyar was going to talk abt the video i rented ytd. its called The Jane Austen Book Club where chrcters of this bk club are actually crafted from chrcs in jane austen's novels. i love the story and how the characters relate to Jane Austen's characters when looking at their love lives and deciding where to go from there. not a movie wif an outstanding plot or exciting cast but i guess its good enough for a lazy afternoon at home (: anyway i srsly feel inspired to read all her books now! :D

well..i've saved the best for last. GUESS WHAT PPL! im.gg.to....JAPAN!!!! :D hehe initally the agreement wif mom was tt she will only bring me if i had gotten a scholarship. but now she decided to bring me whether or not i get it. the only difference being me forking out $500 in the event of me NOT getting it.(which looks pretty much the case right now). BUT BUT. i'm really excited still! will be gg for 5D from 3June and will be staying in Tokyo. i realli must start saving now if i wanna get all the KAWAII STUFF FR THERE!!!(: anyway i heard we are gg to be staying somewhere near Mt Fuji for a day so it seems like i just might get a chance to do a SPA!!! in the mean time i'll try to pick up some common jap phrases which i shall use there!


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black&white♥2:59 PM

Friday, May 02, 2008
i had a GREAT wed & thurs! (=

went MOS on wed nite with siying, js' cousin ashley and like MOST of my guy frens namely chris, jiexiang,jingxian and..WAIKIT!!! haha so shocking rite it's himbo's first time clubbing and with us!so sad though sharon couldn't join us cos she was WORKING! WAT BAD TIMING RITEEEE..

anyway contrary to belief, i'm NOT a party girl okie. just had to put that disclaimer cos ppl always think i am one lahh.lol ok but even then, i enjoyed myself thoroughly last nite. music was like old-school with hits like mambo no. 5, pretty woman, lucky, macarena etc. HOHO totally dig this sorta music! and for the first time we actually danced on the podium all thanks to chris! haha he is 1 high person to club with. so funny lah half way, he sorta got chi dou fu by this guy who kept dancing in front of him! when sy and i were dancing there he was totally disinterested can HAHAHA.

so basically we danced from 11+ to 2+ straight without stopping! omg my knees & toes were seriously killing me aft tt cos i was wearing pretty high heels! next time i noe better. must wear flats or smth to really enjoy grooving to the music! :P

am totally looking fwd to clubbing with this bunch of ppl (plus sharon) again soon! (=

anyway,fotos will be up as soon as SY and JS send them to me ok!

ok on to thurs which is today! met stanwin at cine to catch 'Over Her Dead Body' which is a romantic comedy starring eva longoria.heh and true to its nature, the show rocks! i just LURVVVEE watching such shows lah.(instead of shows like..Untraceable. haha)

aft the show, we went ecp to grab smth to eat (so malu can. my stomach was already rumbling during the movie but i insisted i'm not hungry haha) decided to intro pos to Old Town Cafe, the one which is opened by mark lee and jack neo. the coffee is LOVELY! :D so anyway, we sat there for quite awhile and talked & camwhored while waiting for our food to arrive.

haha cant tell rite. mr act dao actually does like posing for the camera despite his STERN EXTERIOR. lol

ok so aft tt we just chilled on the beach. luckily it was a windy nite so it was pretty nice just talking, listening to music, see stars...haha anyway to cut things short, i enjoyed myself today overall as well! :D

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black&white♥1:32 AM

Wednesday, April 30, 2008
116 words

Speed test


ok random..hahaha

black&white♥1:48 AM

Friday, April 25, 2008
today's the last day of FHA 2008. feel so sad! :( will really really miss working with the interesting spanish exhibitors, trying to act busy with esther, gossiping about the irritating william and koping food during lunch break!

was supposed to end at 4pm today but at 1+ most of the spanish exhibitors had already started to pack up. during that time, we managed to interact with quite a few of them and they are realli realli such lovely ppl i tell u! decided to take photos with them to remember this cool experience hehe. when they were leaving, they gave us the spanish goodbye which is to air kiss esther & i on both cheeks. HAHA we felt so sophisticated doing that man since both of us nvr did that before. one of them even took our hands and kissed it! gosh so gentlemanly! and initially when he took our hands, we were on the verge of pumping it up and down and shaking it furiously le -.- LOL so asian of us.

mr professor x! haha ok tts not his real name of course but its my nickname for him cos he looks like the xmen character (: anyway i personally think he's pretty charming lah on top of being friendly and humorous! haha he gave us each his namecard and invited us to go Spain when we are free since "its just 15 hours flight away" HAHA gosh i would LURVE to visit spain someday seriously!

mr i-think-i'm-in-love-with-you! haha i dunno his name but thats what he said to me one day. he thinks he's in love with me. LOL! anyway he's also another friendly guy who nvr fails to give us warm smiles and winks upon seeing us!

the pretty spanish ladies working at the fair! gosh i LURVE the 2nd lady on the left's outfit. its realli very chic! :D oh speaking of outfits i was so flattered today! cos one of the spanish ladies asked me where i got my top cos she tot it's realli pretty! :D

mr charming!! (= this is my 4 days spanish eyecandy at the fair! ain't he cute? aprie thinks he looks like a soccer player. haha but then again, so many of them look like soccer managers to me. LOL.

anyway, took a cab home aft the exhibition today cos they seriously gave us SO MUCH STUFF! red, white wines, brandy, cocoa powders, biscuits, meat spread, olive oil..wah realli realli overkill!well this reminds me of smth that esther and i noticed. some singaporeans are realli SUPER kiasu and disgusting okie. they can just keep coming over and over again to our booths just for the free gifts! there's this old ah pek that comes like twice a day at least to take our paper bags and nvr fails to throw away our brochures aft tt! he even had the audacity to qns us for the lack of variety of free gifts! -_________- ohoh and there's this another guy working at the exhibition? after the spanish exhibitors left, he immediately went to their booths to SWEEP UP all the freebies he could find and hide it away in the storerooms! SOMEMORE ARH he kept going back ultra frequently to make sure no one touches them. YUCKS RIGHT! esther and i seriously find him ultra disgusting man.

overall, i think i was really really lucky to get this job. esther told me that out of all the exhibitions she has worked, this is really the best! not just cos of the freebies (haha) but also because of the super super friendly supervisors and flexible job scope. she warned me not to expect the same for my upcoming exhibition at Suntec next month. LOL yup i'm prepared for that and actually, i'm just too happy to get another exhibition job(: hopefully i get to try my hand at promoting stuffs this time since at FHA 2008, i honestly did nothing. haha and while slacking sounds good, sometimes the boredom and lack of things to do is really unbearable. i rather have something to do.

so after the exhibition, i had a MAX outing at changi airport T3! (: wondering what MAX is? haha it stands for May.Aprie.XinHui! cool rite i only found this out today after maysze told us both hehe. so anyway, since my hp batt died i had no way of contacting them and even though both of them said they would arrive at 545 and 6 respectively, i still had to wait half an hour-.- haha but its okie.

after that, we decided to go to Swensens for a scrumptuous meal! :D shared a frosted chocolate malt icecream aft tt, just like the previous time we had swensens together (: anyway, chilling out with the 2 darlings nvr fail to brighten up my day!( even though i was already in high spirits before that..) we talked just about everything under the sun really.

and of course! after the chatting session, its time for...CAMWHORING! (:

(= my darlings and i!

in all i had a FANTABULOUS DAY:D

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black&white♥11:20 PM

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
hola! coma estas? me llamo xinhui. mucho gusto! (hey how are you? my name is xinhui. nice to meet u! :))

today's the 2nd day of work at FTA 2008 and unlike the first day. it wasn't as happening HA. thus time passed SUPPEERR slowly. my partner, esther, & i kept checking our hp times to see if its time to knock off! LOL but luckily i brought my camera today! took fotos of my work place and also the yummy food exhibitions during my lunch break:P

although it feels boring when we have nth to do, my job still rocks cos we get to sample so much yummy stuff! haha and guess wat? esther & i were so bored we decided to write down the list of things tt we tried today and this is wat i came up with:

spanish biscuits

spanish red wine

australian beef

mushroom soup

belgium waffle



japanese rice

meat spread

onion rings

german sausage

turkish sweet

pennyslyvania cheesecake


korean seaweed

HAHA coolness isn't it! LOL. :P ok but don't say that we did nth okie we do have stuffs to do as well! job scope includes providing info abt the spanish exhibitors, giving out brochures/free gifts,taking business cards & also other nitty-gritty things to help out.

it's only my 1st time doing exhibitions but i really really hope it will open doors to future opportunities! its really great meeting all sorts of people. and i LURVE working with the spanish. they are really such humourous ppl u noe! kept teasing us cos they noe we cant spk their language. LOL and and my colleague & i both agree tt so many of them look really charming, esp. in those business suits HEHE.

ok shall let the fotos do the rest of the talking!

official staff!((:

me sitting at my booth counter! hehe doesn't it look great? personally i feel the spanish booths look 1 of the best since the colour is so outstanding and bright! very easy to find. haha.

my colleague esther & i~

the picturesque view from our glorious counter LOL.

the image behind our counter. haha alot of things but still looks pretty neat and orderly rite! those stacks and stacks of square things are our brochures. feel free to have one! hehe (:the view on our left. which is actually the Turkey section. haha this booth sells sweets and esther & i kept eyeing those long strips of sour sugary sweets! :D

the view on our right! this is the nutrexpa booth which promotes chocolate powder, meat spread, honey etc. haha the kind ol' man there gave each of us a bottle of honey! oh and the 2nd stall( right side) is the one where i tried my first glass of young red wine! wasn't as terrible as i thought. learnt smth today! the spanish exhibitor taught us to hold the glass at the bottom not only cos it looks elegant but also to prevent our body temperature from spoiling the taste of the wine (:

bundle of spanish biscuits given to us FREE by one of the spanish exhibitors!!:D hehe more than enough to last us till FRI!met up with sharon during lunchbreak and we decided to roam the halls! RAHHH! hahaha see we look super happy(:Mr I LOVE BRATWURST! this guy is super cute! he wears a tag tt says I AM ANDY! dun u think he looks like some good jolly o'l fellow? tts the feeling i get! he gives such a bright smile whenever we approach him for those yummy german sausages. hehe oh and i reckon he is the guy on the left when he was younger? HAHA.SUPER tender-yummy-delicious-gastronomic Aussie beef! gosh it totally melts in ur mouth. DELICIOUS!

rows and rows of sweet delicacies!

lotsa cheese! haha but honestly speaking? i think i still prefer my kraft cheese. heh YES NOOB I KNOW but i realli still cant appreciate this kinda true blue cheese still! it can differ from type to type. the spanish goat cheese i tried ytd rocks but the creamy cheese thingy i tried today was JUST PLAIN HORRID. *belch*

LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THE FISH! haha at that moment the thoughts running through my mind were along the lines of " omg just think how much sashimi we can get out of that huge salmon! " (=

loads and loads and loads of SHELL FOOD! *gasp!! MY ULTIMATE weakness! oysters scallops clams...u name it they have it! i love them ALL!

....and lastly..GELATO! the way he made it reminded me of the way we do it at Ice Cream Chefs. lol but i think its different cos his end-product is not some meshed up ice cream but smth tt looks like a pretty cake. THUMBS UP definitely! :P

haha ok so i guess that pretty much sums up my work cum food experience at the 2nd day of FTA 2008 (:

P.S but the best part of the day? it came in the form of an A4 envelope where i received my confirmation for nanyang business school! (: just seeing the word "future undergraduate...successful.." makes me so happy! hehe no longer need to worry about not getting an interview anymore!

hasta luego ppl! CIAO! (:

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black&white♥8:07 PM

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
hola bueno dias ppl! (:

actually i have nth much to say today other than i LOVE my job to pieces! :D

haha after working for the spanish booth, im suddenly very interested in learning spanish! thus bear with all my random spanish phrases which i'll throw here and there heh.

anyway am too tired to blog about my day but shall take photos to share with you guys soon.

Te quiero con todo mi corazón~! (i love u with all my heart)

HAHA being random here but LOVE U ALL! ciao!

black&white♥10:45 PM

Monday, April 21, 2008
$money not enough.

yayness i'm finally going to work tml! :D super looking forward to it after having slacked for SO LONG.my poor account's realli becoming much thinner after i stopped working! anyway, my job is to be an exhibition stand hostess at singapore expo for this hotel & food fair thingy starting tml till fri. read about it in the newspapers today and apparently, its a really huge event! it's going to occupy halls 1 to 7 and i'll be in hall 2 mending some spanish food booth? haha sounds cool isnt it!

anyway may was supposed to work with me but to cut the long story short, it didn't work out :( LUCKILY sharon's going to be at the exhibition too! it's pretty last minute really cos tt damn services (as may so 'fondly' refers to..) needed ppl so i told sharon about it. she's gg to be doing data entry at hall 5 i think.hopefully can meet up during lunch or smth!

haha initially i thought stand hostess means i have to wear some weird outfit or smth. but to my surprise, they told me that the attire is all-black corporate! and knowing me.. i realli dun have such outfits so i have to buy them! so sad rite. havent start work then must spend already. SIGH. the story of my life. haha

well, hopefully this exhibition job opens up more exhibition job opportunities! at singapore expo. since its SO NEAR my hse! :D

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black&white♥10:08 PM

council campfire
Sunday, April 20, 2008
council campfire

went back to tj today for the 32nd SC's council campfire. wow..seemed like just awhile ago that we were there as the 30th elects and now we are already grand seniors! seriously felt kinda weird to be termed that since we really aren't that old okiee!

anyway the turn out was pretty good(for the 30th anyway..) and i was glad to meet up with so many of them and also the juniors. seems so rare that we are all able to gather cos the guys are in army and the girls are working... rushed down after singing & keyboard lessons and reached slightly after 7. was quite surprised that the event hadn't started actually but then again, things not gg according to plan is really quite normal since we encounter that all the time during council term.

luckily i brought my camera and was able to take fotos! :D

my lovely direct junior karina (=

chiobu teacher & chio-er bu teacher with her chicken rings LOL!

juniors+senior! :D

cheryl & i

aaron & i!

april babies (:

haha ignore our sweatiness here cos we just did mass dance! gosh its only been less than a yr and we have forgotten a bigggg part of the steps!! HOW SAD LA! and i thought the drills we went thr during council camp will ensure we remember those moves for the rest of our lives hahaha.

with maylee miss poh and claire! haha xt & i were feeling sorta hungry at this point of time since we din have dinner & the only food that they served were chicken rings & some wang wang rice crackers!

look! the juniors' group flags. i thought it was a pretty good job actually though i cant remember exactly wat my group did during our council camp. okay at this point of time the campfire commenced. it was a harry potter theme thus our tix for the evening was actually some train pass to hogwarts on the platform. haha oh yx was damn mean! when she saw the tix, she demanded to know where the platform was & this junior took her complaint very seriously and said smth along the lines of "oh sorry i'll go ask around" LOL

juniors going through their reflection session aft the campfire. lol i remember that council camp was mainly about reflections seriously. after any activity the seniors will want us to reflect if we have done well, think abt wat can be improved and wat we have learnt etc.

start of the tekaning session!

solemn atmosphere cos the mass dance test is in progress! gosh i totally remember being like that too. dressed in the black council shirt tugged all the way into the black fbts with my geeky specs and standing wif my arms behind my back. lol just tt nite alone we repeated each mass dance like countless times! guess it'll be a long nite for them as well lol...

well so tt basically sums up the council campfire for today. aft tt we decided to go to siglap hk cafe to chill and chat (:

an attempt to capture the beauty of my alma mater (:


once a 30th councillor, always a 30th councillor<3

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black&white♥1:48 AM

back in action.
Friday, April 18, 2008
hey you! (whoever is still reading my blog lol) im back!

wow it's been rather long since i last put up a post and even then, it was all the nonsensical personality tests which i did to kill time while sitting in the staff room. so anyway, i can't say for sure if the blog is back in action for good since i always do things at the spur of the moment. and lose interest just as quickly too haha.

well for those who haven't been in contact with me for a suppeerr long time, now's the time to ask me out! (since i'm currently working really infrequently and thus have lotsa time to spare lol.) so anyway, was contemplating whether i should do a run down on the events that have passed since the last time i blogged properly, but i guess that will take pretty long..

yup anyway, lets start with ytd. i finally met up with samuel after a long period of..i dunno, avoidance perhaps? shan't go into details about it here but im glad i decided to stop running away and instead meet up with him to have a heart-to-heart. finally told him what's been on my mind all these while, am glad that he was receptive and also forthcoming with his thoughts. so yes, i would say it was a good meet-up. well..while we may not be the best of frens, at least we are starting somewhere which is good (: after all, it's a pity to lose a friend after having known him for like practically 6 years..

ok so that was ytd and on to today. thurs is KICKBOXING DAY! i always look fwd to that since its the only time i'll actually get a decent workout. haha yes i know, nag at me all u want but i just find it hard to start jogging or smth. to be honest, I HATE IT. yup so that's that. haha and if u want my views on this weight matter, i frankly find it irritating that the guys around me are able to lose weight so easily! (YES ITS YOU TAIWAIKIT) on a sidenote, himbo here is seriously looking more and more like an alien lately (acc to sharon lol) since he has a big forehead but practically non-existent cheeks!

well as usual, kickboxing was fun and beneficial and aft tt, went for dinner with sharon sy and stan. HAHA eh i suddenly realise their names all start with the letter 'S'. ok random -_- anyway before my kickboxing today, i caught Untraceable with sharon. its been a long time since i last caught a movie! hmm and while may thinks its a great show, i think its pretty much mediocre lahh. i would much rather watch Definitely, Maybe or The Other Boleyn Girl. am anticipating Sex & the City and Made of Honor so much!! :D

LOL. so anyway before that, i went for the sph internal scholarship interview. qns were typical and expected (eg. why do u want to take up this course etc etc.) but when faced with that, i was still feel rather stumped. thinking back when i went thr the sph internal interview 2 yrs ago, i was really much more confident then. i guess at that point of time, there wasn't much decisions i had to make but simply study hard and hopefully, get to do wat i always wanted to do which is mass comm. naturally, when faced with the qns of my future plans, i could ans confidently as passion is not smth u can fake. haha so back to today. for those of u who know me, u shld know that i've decided to study business (and maybe accountancy). but honestly speaking? im not sure if thats what i wanna do. sighh..while im glad that i got better grades than i expected, i realised it opened up a whole new spectrum of possibilities and that is really giving me a headache.

haha ok i think it must be the lack of regular blogging. i realise my thoughts are everywhere and there isnt realli a chronological flow in events here even as i'm typing. gosh do i sound like im in a rare emo mood? HAHA im not! im in a i-dunno-how-to-describe-it mood. so yup.

anyway tml's meet up day! gonna meet up wif stan & px for lunch at kovan (OMG NEL. yes i know may is grinning tt its finally my turn to go her area haha) and dinner with waikit and council ppl at my fav place at nite-SIGLAP! (: in addition, i'll be starting a part-time job as tutor assistant tml in bedok. wish me luck guys!

haha okay. shall blog again when i feel like it. ciao!

black&white♥12:49 AM

Her world :D

xinhui.april 12.nineteen.

30th SC

chilling w frens.
star-filled skies.
breezy evenings.



February 2006

March 2006

April 2006

May 2006

June 2006

July 2006

August 2006

September 2006

October 2006

November 2006

December 2006

January 2007

February 2007

April 2007

May 2007

June 2007

July 2007

August 2007

January 2008

April 2008

May 2008

designer: huiqi :D
images: foto_decadent
brushes: 12345